ERASED BACKROOMS: a strange experiment will put you back in the Backrooms. But there is a creature.
Updated: Jun 20, 2022

Erased Backrooms is a survival horror game developed by GAS LETAL ENTERTAINMENT where you wake up in a strange and scary place full of corridors, dead people and lost objects and you need to find a way out of the place. To do so, you must solve the macabre puzzle while a strange creature scours the building looking for new victims.
The game has dark, grungy visuals with a heavily loaded palette of green tones and plenty of gooey, creepy sound effects. There are several jumpscares that appear as a kind of memory in the player's view and a survival horror part where you have to survive a creature. There are also items scattered around the place that need to be found to get the best ending to the game. However, they change places every game.
Erased Backrooms Android can also be downloaded from the same link as the PC game and has a very similar experience to the standard game. With the same content and visuals. It also has the 3 possible endings in the game.
Check out the Erased Backrooms Good Ending gameplay (On Youtube)
Check out the Erased Backrooms Bad Ending gameplay (On Youtube)