FEAR IS IN THE MIND: An Chaotic Audiovisual Experience Where You Must Explore Your Fears
Fear is in the Mind could be more considered as an interactive audiovisual experience than as a game indeed. The indie "game" was produced by Lucas Graf and released on November 27th of this year. In Fear is in the Mind, you walk through various dark corridors with few lights as you pass through events that evoke the ten most common phobia's in the world.
In this "game", there are no interactions, but only an audiovisual experience, which has as objective to explore and sense these fears. Graphics, as well as your gameplay, are simple but polished, but the biggest point of this "game" relies on your sonority: Here we see the developer's knowledge of production and sound effects in action. With that, he creates an atmosphere that, besides exploring the fears, transmits that to the player in a real and convincing way, which makes ESSENTIAL the use of headphones or, if you are an audiovisual content enthusiast, a good sound system.
Check out the gameplay by clicking right here and live this experience by clicking on the link below: