VOCITUS: Explore the Ancient Ruins of a Lost Civilization in this Puzzle Game
Updated: Nov 5, 2021
Vocitus is a short first person atmospheric indie platformer and puzzle game that was produced by Abdulaziz alnaghmoosh and which was published on the indie gaming platform itch.io on November 4th of this year. Vocitus doesn't have a defined plot: your objective here is just to explore ancient ruins of an ancient civilization and solve the puzzles proposed in each room in the hope of discovering the secrets of that place.
According to the game dev, the game is not yet complete: it intends to add new ideas (and maybe new mechanics? only time will tell) to it. The gameplay is simple, you jump, walk and interact with objects, in addition to using your bow and arrow to trigger switches that can only be accessed from a distance. But an extremely interesting point of the game is in the graphics aspect: the visual refers to a style that seems to be very inspired by watercolors and paintings, bringing an unparalleled beauty here. A nice plus point for the game.
Check out the gameplay of Vocitus and download the game by clicking on the links below.
CHECK OUT THE GAMEPLAY HERE: https://youtu.be/_n_36m-SMMQ
DOWNLOAD THE GAME HERE: https://abdulaziz-alnaghmoosh.itch.io/vocitus